Training for municipalities: The potential of Bulgarian municipalities and independent energy communities.

29 November 2021

Client: Purpose Climate Lab


In Bulgaria, the conversation about the transformation of the energy system and transition to a decentralized and based on RES model has not yet begun. Citizens are in the role of passive participants. They do not receive enough information about what their role in the energy transition could be and what the benefits might be for them. In theory, even now each of us can connect to the grid as a producer of electricity, but in practice it is a complex and cumbersome procedure that takes valuable time and money. The role of local authorities and community leaders is extremely important. They are a key stakeholder in the forthcoming energy transformation. They should actively participate, provide information and long-term support to individual households and energy communities that are about to join the power grid on their territory. We can say that in many municipalities there is a lack of administrative capacity and even awareness of the importance of the transition to RES.

Campaign objectives:

  • Create capacity on a municipal level.
  • Advocacy with municipalities for regulatory changes on National Level.


  • Over than 60 participants
  • Lecturers such as the founder of the first energy cooperative in Serbia, as well as representatives of RESCoop-Brussels and others.

• Following the event, an Open Letter was developed, signed by more than 20 municipalities and sent to national institutions, including the following requests:

– Supporting integrated strategic planning at the local level in the field of climate by preparing specific studies and guidelines related to the potential of Bulgarian municipalities to reduce greenhouse gases and assess the vulnerability and risks arising from climate change;

– Adoption of legislative changes stimulating the establishment and functioning of energy communities in Bulgaria and providing administrative levers for investments in small renewable energy installations for own consumption, which fully reflect the objectives and messages of European legislation;


48A Seliolu str., 9000, Varna, Bulgaria
Phone: 0898 62 63 73
